Flower Power Tea
This gorgeous, ruby-red iced tea features the medicinal benefits of two powerful flowers: hibiscus, naturally rich in iron and vitamin C, and cannabis, a traditional balm for body, mind and soul.
Hibiscus tea is popular in Mexico, where it goes by the name aqua de jamaica, a naturally tart and refreshing summer sipper. Although it can be made with hot water for a faster brew, we prefer the flavour when it’s cold-brewed overnight.
Recipe by Chef Ronnie Fishman, words by Devon Scoble.
1/2 cup hibiscus flowers
4 cups cold water
1/2 cup fresh blood orange juice
1/4 cup cannabis simple syrup
Place hibiscus flowers and water in a large pitcher or jug, stir gently, cover and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, add remaining ingredients and serve over ice.