Flower Power Tea

This gorgeous, ruby-red iced tea features the medicinal benefits of two powerful flowers: hibiscus, naturally rich in iron and vitamin C, and cannabis, a traditional balm for body, mind and soul.

Hibiscus tea is popular in Mexico, where it goes by the name aqua de jamaica, a naturally tart and refreshing summer sipper. Although it can be made with hot water for a faster brew, we prefer the flavour when it’s cold-brewed overnight.

Recipe by Chef Ronnie Fishman, words by Devon Scoble.

5 min + steep overnight


1/2 cup hibiscus flowers

4 cups cold water

1/2 cup fresh blood orange juice

1/4 cup cannabis simple syrup


Place hibiscus flowers and water in a large pitcher or jug, stir gently, cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, add remaining ingredients and serve over ice.

Note: The recommended cannabis infusion dosage is a suggestion. Cannabis dosing can be complicated and is entirely based on your tolerance and desired potency. To learn why, read our guide to cooking with cannabis. Please proceed with caution by eating a portion and waiting an hour or two before any more. Enjoy!
Edible Dosage Calculator

Learn more about calculating dosages.